Sunday, November 14, 2010

There’s a first time for everything, good things and things we’ rather forget.  First kiss, first time to drive a car, first F on a test, first broken heart, first Broadway show, first time up on water skis and so on and so on. Sometimes a first might be a surprise making us say, “Now that’s a first”?
Yesterday was a first for Jill and David, their first child’s first birthday party.  As much time and preparation went into planning Vivian’s party as goes into a small wedding. Everything from the V flash card invitations, to the tulle high chair skirt, to the bubble machine and jump-o-leene was strategically orchestrated because for these first time parents, there’s only one first birthday.  The cake was like a piece of artwork and, of course, Vivian had her own personal smash cake.  After Jill and David blew the candle out, the fifty-plus guests sang Happy Birthday sounding like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Vivian was a little confused over all the fuss.  
Everyone stared waiting for her first bite of cake.  It was like watching Neil Armstrong taking man’s first step on the moon.  Similar to when he stuck the American flag in the moon dirt we clapped and whistled when she got cake in her mouth.  It will most likely be the last time anyone cheers over her eating pure sugar. 
Lying in bed, last night I thought about how special the day had been with all its firsts and considered this ...  wouldn’t it be fun to look forward to every day as if it is a first, because, in reality, it is. 

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