Thursday, November 25, 2010

I’ve often wondered what the first few Thanksgivings were like. I’m quite certain they didn’t look much like the paintings with everyone smiling, and clean in their Sunday best frocks. The pilgrims had survived more than thrived their first years on American soil and that survival was likely what they were most grateful for.

Do you think the head pilgrim made assignments for who was to hunt and shoot what for the feast and who was in charge of setting up tables and keeping the fires going? Who put together the seating chart? Do you suppose most of the women were known for certain dishes and everyone hoped that’s what they’d bring, kind of like at a church pot luck.

Over time Thanksgiving has morphed into a day of feasts, parades, and football. I know, for me, the thankful part gets lost for a while in the middle of making the dressing and sweet potato casserole. All that work and money to see how much can be eaten in 30 minutes.

We’re in Virginia with Jill, David and Vivian for Turkey Day this year. There will be eight adults and three children for a late lunch. I’m curious with all there is to be done for a small group, what Thanksgiving is like with the Dugger family. They surely rent out an event hall or at least do take out from Bob Evans.

Each year I’m a little more reflective, probably because there’s more to reflect on. So much has happened since this time last year, a lot of it wonderful with the not so good and happy sprinkled in. But, I’m still grateful ... grateful for my health, grateful for my family, grateful for a gracious God. Happy Thanksgiving!

“Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.” Seneca

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